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Self Driving Trucks: Logistics on New Heights

 In real life, consumers will not advocate as strongly for self driving trucks as the business owner with a multi million dollar profit opportunity. There will be concerns regarding consumer self driving trucks that will pressure regulators and slow the process. But business will spend the dollars to make it’s case and approvals will come. Trucks will have CDL personnel in the cab when self driving trucks operations begin and they will be restricted to limited access highways and small distances beyond the off ramp. A single 24 hour ‘driver monitor’ replaces two team drivers. Later the monitor is removed because over the road saFDV trucks will have ‘x’ billion miles of safe driving” Truck drivers will be terminally unemployed. There is no natural next job for this set of skills. And, yes, this is a problem. In the beginning, the shortage of employees and attrition will help balance the negative effects of the faSDV truck. The problem is that the transition period will be relatively sho
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Reverse paralysis:- Shattering the Way You Live

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Gene therapy: Invention That Can Create Hope of Life!

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Women Safety on Stake: India is in blink on the Issue.

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